Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programme

jobs and skills

Refresher classes greener vessel operation

Executive summary The Horizon 2020 project PLATINA3 provides a platform for the implementation of the NAIADES III action programme. PLATINA3 is structured around four fields (Market, Fleet, Jobs & Skills, Infrastructure) of which Work Package 3 (WP 3) deals with various aspects of the IWT training and careers topics, in particular: This report presents the conclusions from[…]

Classes for automated vessel operation

Executive summary This document is taking stock of the current situation of refresher classes in European inland navigation in general and more specifically of refresher classes for more automated vessel operation in inland navigation in Europe. This exercise on more automated vessel operation, in line with PLATINA3[1] deliverable D3.3 and based on the sector consultation[…]

Competences for on board systems allowing for automation

Executive summary Within PLATINA3, policy makers, River Commissions, IWT sector representative organisations, knowledge institutes, education and training institutes, jointly identify means, measures and tools to promote inland waterway transport (IWT). Integration & digitalization of IWT in view of modal shift & synchromodality; Zero-emission, automated & climate resilient fleet; Smart & climate resilient waterway and port[…]

Required competence for operation of vessels with zero or low emission

Executive summary Right skills for green jobs are certainly the prerequisite to make the transition to a greener economy happen.[1] Today, skills gaps are already recognized as a major bottleneck in a number of sectors,[2] and the inland waterways sector, which relies on a skilled workforce, is no exception. According to the Communication from the[…]

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