Welcome to the download section of PLATINA3 report D2.4 – Towards accurate European fleet data
The PLATINA3 Deliverable 2.4 “Towards accurate European fleet data” was prepared under the lead of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine. The work concludes regarding greening of the fleet that too limited quantity of data is available today to follow the evolution of the greening of the fleet. Reliable data on the evolution of engine types (from vessel certificates) or on the type and volume of fuel consumption (for propulsion and auxiliary uses) is necessary.
Although there is fragmented data available in some countries, there is a clear lack of such data on European level. It is therefore recommended to improve the accuracy of the European Hull Database and to adapt and expand the structure and to add attributes to include data for monitoring the greening of the fleet. It is also advised to enable efficient exchange with other databases. This can be taken into account in the revision of the European Hull Database by the European Commission.
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