Minutes of the meeting
Full minutes of the meeting.
Full minutes of the meeting.
Session 7 – Competence based training – inspiration for (future) crew members who can handle future needs Ingrid Blom, BLN, on the rise of automation – The CCNR definition of levels of automation and what to expect of the future?
Session 7 – Competence based training – inspiration for (future) crew members who can handle future needs How to involve stakeholders? – Use case on greening and digitalization of IWT education & training vessel “Ab Initio” – Potential development paths of automation. What will be the impact on workforce as well as education & training?[…]
Session 7 – Competence based training – inspiration for (future) crew members who can handle future needs
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart waterways and logistics operations Mario Kaufmann, via donau, on RIS implementation & foreseen solutions to support logistic operations
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart waterways and logistics operations Mathias Prandtstetter, AIT, on insights from the PhysiCal project.
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart solutions – Practical experiences of Danube actors along European supply chains Gerhard Gussmagg, Managing Director, Rhenus Donauhafen Krems on transport operations including last mile
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart solutions – Practical experiences of Danube actors along European supply chains Harald Jony, Managing Director, WienCont GmbH on terminals & logistics centres
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart solutions – Practical experiences of Danube actors along European supply chains. Thomas Herics, Logistics Excellence, OMV Downstream GmbH on inbound and outbound logistics from the manufacturer perspective.
Session 6 – Let´s make IWT a reliable partner of synchro-modal logistics chains using smart waterways! Smart logistics on smart infrastructure Fernando Liesa, General-Secretary, on insights from ALICE.